Heritage Werks
Heritage Werks, a premier heritage agency, partnered with Emerson Street to craft a compelling corporate narrative that highlights their innovative methods to monetize over 100 million assets. After a detailed exploration of Heritage Werks' vast collection in Atlanta and collaboration with their leadership, Emerson Street developed a cohesive narrative. This new storyline now serves as a cornerstone for Heritage Werks' strategic content marketing, enhancing business outreach and consistency in messaging.
We took what we learned in Atlanta and created a first draft of a corporate narrative for Heritage Werks, which included their origin story, their value proposition as innovators in the heritage field and an in-depth look at their success in the sports and business worlds. This draft went through many iterations as we collaborated with Keir and his team to find just the right tone and voice to describe their organization. We kept working until we got it just right.
We flew to Atlanta to see up close the Heritage Werks collection, which contains some invaluable artifacts from the worlds of sports, fashion and entertainment, as well as Fortune 500 companies. We met with Heritage Werks CEO Keir Walton, Executive Director Charlie Turano and many members of their team to learn about the company’s origin, archiving processes and their unique approach to unlocking heritage as a means for meeting business goals.
No matter the industry, when you have broken the mold of “how it’s done” and created innovative ways to add to the bottom line, you are going to need a compelling storyline to build trust and engage potential clients. Emerson Street teamed with Heritage Werks, the premier heritage agency - trusted with more than 100 million assets by the world’s most recognizable brands - to write their corporate narrative and illustrate their use of proprietary methodology to create new revenue streams from these assets.
Getting it right meant giving them messaging tools to attract prospective customers and better grow and accelerate their business. Having everyone on the team using the same clear and concise messaging to describe and sell their means and methods streamlined the process for pitching new business, engaging with media and generating social and web content. Heritage Werks has continued to rely on the corporate narrative we collaborated on as the cornerstone of their strategic content marketing plan.