Let Them Eat Cake, Let Us Handle the PR Scandal.

May 31, 2024

Just outside of the Met Gala, influencer Hayley “Baylee” Kalil sparked controversy when she posted a video of herself lip-syncing to Marie Antoinette’s infamous alleged quote, "Let them eat cake," using audio from Kristen Dunst’s portrayal of the controversial historical figure, a phrase often associated with the French Revolution and the monarchy's disconnect from the suffering of the people.

The Controversy

The backlash was multifaceted. People criticized the Met Gala's extravagant setting as well as the quote's insensitivity, highlighting the wealth inequality between the attendees and everyday Americans who are struggling to afford basic necessities. The Met Gala, known for its luxury and exclusivity, became entangled in the controversy as well. With tickets priced at a staggering $50,000 per person, the event symbolized significant disparities in wealth and privilege, further amplifying the backlash.

Moreover, amidst global crises such as the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel, Hayley's post was perceived as tone-deaf and lacking awareness of pressing societal issues.

Hayley’s Response

In response to the backlash, Hayley issued a public apology through a 9-minute video on TikTok. She acknowledged her lapse in judgment and expressed regret for her actions, blaming her choice of audio on its popularity rather than any deeper meaning. Additionally, she admitted her lack of awareness regarding ongoing issues and believed it was best not to speak on issues she was unfamiliar with.

Best Practice

This incident underscores the growing importance of influencers and brands aligning their values with their public image. Hayley’s video not only brought her personal brand into question but also cast a negative light on the Met Gala itself, which was criticized for its extravagant display of wealth amid societal struggles.

As current events increasingly bleed into PR strategies, influencers and brands must carefully navigate the social and political climate  to maintain their audience's trust. Moreover, the expectation that influencers engage with and understand current societal issues, particularly among younger generations like Gen Z, is becoming increasingly prevalent. To Gen Z, being uninformed is no longer an acceptable excuse. Effective PR now demands that influencers and brands not only be aware of current events but also actively participate in and contribute to important social conversations. Additionally, influencers and brands are expected to be socially conscious and responsive, recognizing that their actions have significant impacts on public perception and trust.

Throughout this controversy, Hayley's decision to work on her own rather than with a PR team emphasizes the importance of specialized PR in today's influencer landscape. Social media offers direct access to audiences but also poses significant risks, especially when discussing sensitive topics or high-profile events like Hayley and the Met Gala.

A skilled PR team provides valuable advice on strategic communications, media relations, crisis management, and social media. Emerson Street Media offers all of this. With our expertise, we anticipate potential problems, preserve brands’ reputations, and ensure alignment with their public image. In an era where one mistake can have long-term consequences, having an experienced PR team on your side is not just recommended, but required for maintaining credibility and supporting long-term growth.